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1390 Holly Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43212


Upholstery Cut and Sew Services | Tritex Corporation

We proudly offer upholstery cut and sew services. Our skilled staff has the expertise and tools needed to create or restore your business or personal project.

Contract cut and SEW SERVICES


In many cases a business or individual has a product or an idea that requires upholstery services but they do not have those capabilities in-house. It can be an exhausting process trying to locate an upholstery vendor that will talk to a potential customer, much less meet with them to discuss their project.

Tritex is here to change that process. We pride ourselves in treating each inquiry with attention and provide feedback to help identify how Tritex can best be of service. We have a history of serving customers from large research institutes and international businesses to individuals with new market concepts.

Whether your product is in need of contract cutting, a custom sewing project or complete production of a unit, we have the capabilities, equipment, skilled staff and the front end service to bring your project to completion. Tritex aspires to be the shop that you didn’t even know you needed.


  • Gerber DSC2500 CNC Cutting Table for contract cutting

  • ABM Intl 4832 CNC Quilting Machine for high quality design pattern sewing (New in 2023!)

  • Wire Pin Foam Saws for custom foam fabrication

  • Consew & Juki industrial sewing machines for high quality sewing applications

  • 11,000 sq. ft. production facility

  • Fleet of vehicles to respond to various jobs as needed

  • Close proximity to many major upholstery vendors with hundreds of samples available

Contact us today for more information on how we can help make your concept a reality.

Quality. Craftsmanship. Integrity. Serving you since 1973.